Archiv: Emma Lewell-Buck

15.09.2019 - 12:36 [ ]

Labour MP says she would prefer a coalition with Brexit Party rather than Lib Dems

The South Shields MP, who was sacked from the Labour frontbench for voting against a second EU referendum, was offered a choice between the Brexit Party and Lib Dems as coalition partners during an interview for ITV‘s ‚Acting Prime Minister‘ podcast.

She said: „I will be vilified for this, but the Brexit Party.

„Even though I despise everything they stand for, I could not go into league with somebody who wants to revoke Article 50.

„It makes me feel sick saying that, but looking at it, yeah.“

17.07.2019 - 20:56 [ Brendan Chilton, Director @LabourFutureUK / Twitter ]

Massive DEMOCRATIC SHOUT out to .@SarahChampionMP @CarolineFlintMP @EmmaLewellBuck all formerly #Remain Labour MP‘s who respect the outcome of the referendum-now saying if necessary no deal over no Brexit. Great people. #RESPECTINGTHEVOTE #Labour #Democrats #BrexitChampions