Archiv: code

15.03.2019 - 02:27 [ Spiegel ]

E-Voting Sicherheitslücke in Schweizer Wahl-Software entdeckt

Die Schweiz will Abstimmungen per Internet landesweit etablieren, doch der Widerstand ist groß – und offenbar berechtigt.

Sicherheitsforscher haben jetzt im Quellcode des Wahlsystems, hinter dem die Schweizer Post und ihr spanischer Technologiepartner Scytl stehen, eine gravierende Schwachstelle entdeckt. Die Lücke könne es Angreifern ermöglichen, Stimmen unbemerkt zu verändern, heißt es.

21.02.2019 - 20:15 [ Motherbord ]

Experts Find Serious Problems With Switzerland‘s Online Voting System Before Public Penetration Test Even Begins

“[Y]ou need to agree to these strange rules they have. So in the concept of free and open source code, it’s not really accessible,” said Hernani Marques, board member and spokesperson of the Chaos Computer Club of Switzerland. “I think they don’t get the concept of free and open code.”

03.05.2018 - 11:35 [ Sam Galope, full stack web developer for the last two decades. Law student. / Twitter ]

How many people do you see with their eyes glued to their cellular phones and computers? Almost all of them, right? How many times do people reach for their mobile devices in a day? Almost all the time.Control the code. Control the world. #Programmer #Coders

29.04.2018 - 08:01 [ Futurism ]

The Military Just Created An AI That Learned How To Program Software

(26.April) No, this is not that moment in which AI becomes self-replicating; BAYOU merely generates what the researchers call “sketches” of a program that are relevant to what a programmer is trying to write. These sketches still need to be pieced together into the larger work, and they may have to be tailored to the project at hand.