Moussa Oukabir is dead. And now the police reports say we made a mistake, he was not the driver. There is another guy that we are going after. In the meantime two suspected drivers have been killed. One of them, according to police reports was not involved in the attacks. How many innocent “suspects” have been killed by the police.
Daily Archives: 19. August 2017
Unified Combatant Command
Ein Unified Combatant Command (UCC, deutsch Vereinigtes Kampfkommando[1]) ist aus mehreren Einheiten von zwei oder mehr Teilstreitkräften der Streitkräfte der Vereinigten Staaten zusammengesetzt und hat einen weitgefächerten und dauerhaften Auftrag. Sie unterteilen sich entsprechend ihrer Areas Of Responsibility (dt. militärischer Verantwortungs- und Zuständigkeitsbereich) in regionale und funktionale Kommandobereiche und wurden im Zuge der Streitkräftereform von 1986 organisatorisch festgelegt.
Statement by President Donald J. Trump on the Elevation of Cyber Command
In connection with this elevation, the Secretary of Defense is examining the possibility of separating United States Cyber Command from the National Security Agency. He will announce recommendations on this matter at a later date.
„Massenüberwachung ist gegen Terrorismus wirkungslos“
(11.8.2017) Wie ist das Verhältnis der Trump-Regierung zur NSA?
Trump hat zwar gesagt, dass er die Geheimdienste reorganisieren will, aber bis jetzt ist nichts geschehen. Die Geheimdienste arbeiten aber bereits daran mit, Trump zu Fall zu bringen. Die Leaks über seine Gespräche mit ausländischen Präsidenten oder im Weißen Haus, was glauben Sie woher die kommen?
Von der NSA. Die Standardpraxis ist, dass Gespräche des Präsidenten verschlüsselt werden. Die NSA hat die Schlüssel dazu. Sie ist, genauso wie die CIA, auch daran beteiligt, dass den Russen jetzt alles Mögliche in die Schuhe geschoben werden soll.
Important day spent at Camp David with our very talented Generals and military leaders. Many decisions made, including on Afghanistan.
Gerd Janson Presents: Music For Autobahns 2 by Various Artists
Rush Hour Music Amsterdam, Netherlands
released September 7, 2015
Good news is Bannon‘s out. Bad news is every other advisor of consequence on this list backs an Afghan surge.
Following Barcelona terror attack, Israeli MK Yehuda Glick hints that it was punishment for mayor of Barcelona condemning Israeli occupation
Kushner & Greenblatt headed back to ME but @statedeptspox still won‘t say whether Trump admin supports a 2 state solution #Israel #Palestine
Has the White House purged its chief anti-interventionist with the exit of Steve Bannon?
Kushner and Greenblatt continue Mideast peace push
(16.8.2017) Netanyahu’s remarks follow a White House official’s statement last Friday that a team of senior Trump administration officials led by Kushner will visit Israel, the disputed territories and several Arab states in August.
Organized important bilateral meeting between @WHNSC / US National Security team and our counterparts from Israel at the @WhiteHouse today.
After Steve Bannon‘s Dismissal, pro-Israel Hardliners Lose an Ally in the White House
Not everyone in the U.S. Jewish establishment views Steve Bannon as an anti-Semitic enabler of the alt-right; many on the right perceived Trump‘s controversial adviser as a key political ally
Steve Bannon to Weekly Standard: ‚The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over‘
„The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over,“ Bannon said in an interview with The Weekly Standard. „We still have a huge movement, and we will make something of this Trump presidency. But that presidency is over. It‘ll be something else.“
„There‘ll be all kinds of fights, and there‘ll be good days and bad days, but that presidency is over,“ he added, according to the Weekly Standard.
North Korea’s Sohae Satellite Launch Facility on Standby
Recent commercial satellite imagery of North Korea’s Sohae Satellite Launching Station from August 9 indicates that the facility remains at standby status and that no new engine tests have taken place since our report on June 16. There are no visible indications of preparations for either a satellite launch or an engine test.
Yonhap News Flash: North Korean Submarine About to Launch an ICBM! WELL, NOT REALLY.
The problem is this headline was fake news although the average reader would certainly have been excused for not recognizing that. In fact, it was a big mistake by the Yonhap News Agency, South Korea’s largest news outlet that serves not only South Koreans but also has a regional and global readership. What makes the headline even more alarming for us is that it was based on a 38 North satellite imagery analysis by Joseph S. Bermudez Jr. BUT he didn’t say what the headline says.
Trump makes no decision on Afghanistan strategy
National security adviser H.R. McMaster and other top national security officials went into the meeting backing a modest increase in troops. At a mid-July meeting, they had thrown their weight behind 3,000 to 5,000 additional U.S. and coalition soldiers.
“Anti-globalists,” who were led by Steve Bannon before he was fired on Friday as Trump‘s chief strategist, backed withdrawing U.S. forces, U.S. officials said.
Das Bannon-Aus und Trump – Kommt es nach dem Knall zum Krieg?
CIA: Nordkorea verfügt über „Wiedereintrittstechnologie“ von Interkontinentalraketen
Das US-Politmagazin „The Diplomat“ zitiert Regierungsdokumente, nach denen die CIA glaubt, Nordkoreas Rakete des Typs Hwasong 14 würde „bei einer normalen Flugkurve adäquat funktionieren“.
Bericht: US-Außenministerium erwägt Kontakt mit Nordkorea
Wie der US-Sender „Radio Free Asia“ berichtet, erwäge das amerikanische Außenministerium, Kontakt mit Nordkorea aufzunehmen. Dafür will das Ministerium offenbar die mögliche Zusammenführung von Koreanischstämmigen in den USA mit ihren Familienangehörigen in Nordkorea nutzen.