Daily Archives: 8. August 2016

08.08.2016 - 19:07 [ Washington Post ]

Obama Gets First In-Depth Intelligence Briefing

(7.11.2008) McConnell, who briefed Obama on intelligence matters after he became the Democratic presidential nominee, presided over yesterday‘s more substantive briefing — essentially the equivalent of the highly secret „President‘s Daily Brief.“ McConnell was joined by the CIA‘s Michael J. Morell, who heads the agency‘s analysis division. Morell was expected to remain in Chicago during the transition to give Obama daily updates.

08.08.2016 - 18:51 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Defense Ministry Slams Obama: Iran Deal as Harmful as Munich Agreement With Hitler

„The Israeli defense establishment believes that agreements have value only if they are based on reality. They have no value if the facts on the ground are opposite to the ones the agreement is based on,“ said the statement. „The Munich Agreements didn‘t prevent World War II and the Holocaust because their fundamental assumption – that Nazi Germany can be partner to any agreement – was false, and because world leaders at the time ignored clear statements made by Hitler and other Nazi leaders.“

08.08.2016 - 18:34 [ Washington Post ]

Giuliani: Israeli leaders want Trump for president

(27.7.2016) “I’ve talked to the members of the Israeli government at the highest levels. I know who they want elected here. It’s not Hillary Clinton. It’s not Obama 3,” Giuliani told me in an interview at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

08.08.2016 - 18:33 [ Sheldon G. Adelson / Washington Post ]

Sheldon Adelson: I endorse Donald Trump for president

(13.5.2016) For nearly eight years, Republicans have fought tooth and nail against President Obama and his policies. We waged battles over debt, government spending, Obamacare and the Iran nuclear deal — an issue of paramount importance to me personally and to many others around the world.

We gained some victories, but on too many issues Obama achieved his goals, if not necessarily America’s goals. As Republicans, we know that getting a person in the White House with an “R” behind his name is the only way things will get better.

08.08.2016 - 18:31 [ Welt ]

Sheldon Adelson: Ein Milliardär kauft Israels Presse

(9.4.2014) Sheldon Adelson ist Milliardär, bedingungsloser Unterstützer Israels und Freund von Ministerpräsident Netanjahu. Um sich politischen Einfluss zu sichern, hat er einen Weg: Er kauft israelische Medien.

08.08.2016 - 18:21 [ AMN Al-Masdar News ]

Syrian Army makes major advances in Latakia (Video+Map)

Not long after the Syrian Army recaptured the jihadist stronghold of Kinsabba, the government forces also captured dozens of surrounding hills and several villages as it seems that the rebel front lines in Latakia are quickly falling apart. Two devastating ambushes struck the Islamist rebels prior to the storming of Kinsabba.

08.08.2016 - 18:16 [ AMN Al-Masdar News ]

Syrian Army attacks northern Aleppo under Russian air cover

According to an Al-Masdar correspondent inside Aleppo City, the Syrian Army’s 4th Division, backed by the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Al-Ba’ath Battalion, launched a large number of mortar shells and rockets towards Fatah Halab’s positions in Dahret ‘Abd Rabbo and Al-Zahraa, killing several enemy combatants in the process.

08.08.2016 - 17:09 [ Common Dreams ]

More Neocon Excuses to Bomb Syria

And the leading light of the first family of military interventionism — Robert Kagan — is actually lining up neoconservatives behind the Democratic nominee for president of the United States.

08.08.2016 - 15:31 [ Daily Times ]

Suicide bombing at Pakistani hospital in Quetta kills 67

In a statement, Ahsanullah Ahsan, spokesman for Jamaat-ul-Ahrar militant group, also said their men killed Bilal Kasi, the president of Baluchistan Bar Association, and then targeted the mourners who had gathered at the government-run Civil Hospital. The group has been behind several attacks in Pakistan in recent years. The claim could not be independently verified.

08.08.2016 - 15:28 [ Daily Times ]

Imran Khan marches for accountability

On August 7, 2016, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) launched its much-hyped “accountability movement” to initiate a nationwide protest against the alleged corrupt practices of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, his family members, and his close associates

08.08.2016 - 11:51 [ New Eastern Outlook ]

US Think Tank Admits US Carving Out “Safe Havens” in Syria

Either by extraordinary coincidence, or by a more than expected act of treachery, no-fly zones are being incrementally established in certain parts of Syria – at least in regards to rotary aircraft – and all due to US weapons ending up “accidentally” in the hands of designated terrorist groups. Senator McCain’s dream of “guys” – from the Islamic State – shooting down Russian aircraft just like they – Al Qaeda – did in Afghanistan has become a partial reality. Brookings apparently wants to expand on that reality.

08.08.2016 - 11:42 [ Indian Punchline ]

Israel pops up in Gulf riding Arab coattails

The point is, if the raison d’etre of the dalliance is the ‘containment’ of Iran, it is resource-sharing. An open relationship is needed to optimally develop security and military cooperation. The Custodian of Holy Places seems to think the Muslim world will learn to live with his country’s strategic cooperation with Israel.

08.08.2016 - 09:21 [ RT ]

Wladimir Putin: „Man darf nicht Terrorgruppierungen für politische Interessen nutzen“

Dem russischen Staatschef zufolge könne man dem Terrorismus nur mit vereinten Kräften und aufgrund von Normen und Prinzipien des Völkerrechts widerstehen. Die UN sollte dabei eine koordinierende Rolle spielen.

„Hier darf nicht nach zweierlei Maß gemessen werden. Man darf nicht die Terroristen in ʻguteʼ und ʻböseʼ einteilen. Es ist natürlich unzulässig und äußerst gefährlich, terroristische, radikale und extremistische Gruppen in politischen und geopolitischen Interessen zu nutzen“, erklärte Wladimir Putin.

08.08.2016 - 09:15 [ Bloomberg ]

Putin Senses Syria Victory to Cement Assad, Confound U.S.

Vladimir Putin may be on the cusp of a pivotal victory in Syria’s civil war that would make it much harder for the U.S. to achieve its stated goal of ousting Bashar al-Assad without a major military escalation.

Assad’s troops, backed by Russian air power, are bearing down on rebels entrenched in Aleppo, Syria’s most populous city before fighting erupted in 2011. Reclaiming Syria’s commercial capital would give Assad control over all major population centers and cement his hold on a contiguous swath of land from Turkey to Jordan that makes up almost half of the country.

“Russia will stick to its guns in Syria and show the whole world we are right,” Frants Klintsevich, deputy head of the defense committee in the upper house of parliament, said by phone from Moscow. Driving the last rebel groups out of Aleppo within a few months is now “quite realistic,” he said.

08.08.2016 - 09:11 [ Daily Sabah ]

Russian ambassador to Ankara: Putin, Erdoğan will find solution to end crisis

Acknowledging that Russia and Turkey have different stances on resolving the Syrian civil war, Karlov said that both leaders will take initial steps toward a similar disposition regarding the civil war. Underlining the importance of increasing cooperation between the two countries in the fight against DAESH, Karlov also said that extensive cooperation means swifter eradication of international terrorism.

08.08.2016 - 09:10 [ Hurriyet ]

Millions stand for democracy in Turkey

Millions of people gathered Aug. 7 at a meeting venue in Istanbul’s Yenikapı area for a massive joint democracy rally to protest the July 15 coup attempt, putting an end to three weeks of demonstrations following the failed takeover.