Geneva: Along with Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa (BRICS), India also voted in favour of a UN Rights Council resolution to probe Israel-Gaza conflict.
Daily Archives: 23. Juli 2014
West Asia: dialogue only viable option, says India
In a statement made at the 21st special session of the UNHRC — on the human rights situation in occupied Palestinian territory — India urged for an immediate ceasefire and called on both sides to resume dialogue
Israelischer Botschafter: Unser Militär verdient den Nobelpreis, weil es nicht mehr Einwohner von Gaza umbringt
Während der Rest der Welt entsetzt ist über die in die Höhe schnellende Anzahl der zivilen Opfer von Israels anhaltendem Einmarsch in den Gazastreifen, denkt Israels Botschafter in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika Ron Dermer, dass die Hunderte von toten Zivilisten, viele davon Kinder, der Beweis für Israels bemerkenswerte Barmherzigkeit sind.
Goldman Sachs Managing Director Nicholas Valtz Found Dead
Valtz, 39, was found in Napeague Harbor near the eastern end of Long Island, according to the East Hampton, New York, police. He was a “novice kiteboarder” and was found floating in the water secured to his kite, police said in a statement released yesterday. Other kite gear was found in a grassy area of the harbor, police said.
The Secret Government Rulebook For Labeling You a Terrorist
Because the government tracks “suspected terrorists” as well as “known terrorists,” individuals can be watchlisted if they are suspected of being a suspected terrorist, or if they are suspected of associating with people who are suspected of terrorism activity.
Bei den Nachrichten die man so ließt, frage ich mich wer dieses Jahr den #Friedensnobelpreis bekommt. Die #Ukraine oder #Israel ?
Gaza: death toll raise 693:
166 from them Children,67 women,37 elders, +4500 are wounded 1213 from them children,687 women,161 elders ongoing Israeli aggression in Gaza, how many more the world is waiting for?!! #GazaUnderAttack
The Palestinian death toll is at 682, at least 80% of them civilians (according to not local but foreign and UN organizations).
(vor drei Stunden)
Krieg in #Gaza: Zehntausende Kinder traumatisiert, bereits 670 Menschen getötet. http://
(vor 11 Stunden)
Israel airstrike kills 5 in northern Gaza
An Israeli airstrike on the northern Gaza Strip killed five people Wednesday, medics said, as a 16-day conflict between Israel and Hamas raged on, AFP reported.
Iran, Lebanon FMs discuss human tragedy in Gaza over phone
The two foreign ministers discussed the latest developments on the battlefield in Gaza.
Exclusive: Ukraine rebel commander acknowledges fighters had BUK missile
In an interview with Reuters, Alexander Khodakovsky, commander of the Vostok Battalion, acknowledged for the first time since the airliner was brought down in eastern Ukraine on Thursday that the rebels did possess the BUK missile system.
He also indicated that the BUK may have originated in Russia and could have been sent back to remove proof of its presence.
Georgian parliament speaker meets with newly elected Israeli president
The chairman of Georgian parliament David Usupashvili has met with the newly elected Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.
The Israeli president congratulated the guest with signing the association agreement with EU and wished success in the process of integration into Europe, Georgian parliament told Trend.
Report: All But Four Of The High-Profile Domestic Terrorism Plots In The Last Decade Were Crafted From The Ground Up By The FBI
Human Rights Watch has just published a report containing the facts needed to back up everyone‘s suspicions that the FBI counterterrorism efforts are almost solely composed of breaking up „plots“ of its own design. And the bigger and more high-profile the „bust“ was, the better the chance that FBI agents laid the foundation, constructed the walls… basically did everything but allow the devised plot to reach its designed conclusion.
Merkel fordert „schnelle Sanktionen gegen Russland“.
Die Russen sind bisher die einzigen, die ihre Aufklärungsdaten offengelegt haben. Die EU? Die Amis? Nichts. Tumbleweed. Crickets. Facebook und Twitter als Beweismaterial. Und unter diesen Umständen wagt es ausgerechnet der Westen, ausgerechnet Russland vorzuwerfen, sie seien nicht an einer schnellen Aufklärung interessiert? Nachdem Russland den Amis sogar ins Gesicht den zuständigen Spionagesatelliten benannt hat, dessen Bilder das sofort aufklären würden?
Übrigens: Der BND kann uns nicht sagen, wie häufig sie Trojaner einsetzen. Das ist geheim. Das würde die Sicherheit der Bundesrepublik gefährden, wenn sie das sagen würden.
Ja nee, klar.
Federal Prosecutor Claims That Copyright Infringement ‚Discourages Smart People From Doing Innovative Things‘
what caught my attention is the ridiculous rhetoric from the DOJ in announcing these indictments. The most bizarre and stupid line has to go to US Attorney Sally Quillian Yates of the Northern District of Georgia:
“Copyright infringement discourages smart people from doing innovative things,”
US Provides Israel the Weapons Used on Gaza
Israel has come under criticism for bombing medical facilities and news media buildings, and also for its failure to prevent civilian casualties. Truthout asked Richard Falk, former UN special rapporteur on Palestinian human rights, what he thought an appropriate response from the international community might be. He replied:
[Israel] shows no sign of respecting the wishes of the international community at this time for an immediate ceasefire. So I think that the only way the world can show that it‘s at all serious about protecting vulnerable peoples – in this case the Palestinians – would be to impose an arms embargo.
Vatikan-Diplomat zur Lage in Palästina: „Sich nicht an das Morden gewöhnen“
Tomasi rief die internationale Gemeinschaft zur Verantwortung. Sie müsse „den Parteien in diesem entsetzlichen Konflikt helfen, zu einer Vereinbarung zu gelangen“, um die Gewalt zu stoppen. Ebenso nahm der Vatikan-Diplomat die Medien in die Pflicht. Sie müssten über die Tragödie in Palästina – Tomasi vermied das Wort „Krieg“ – fair und unvoreingenommen berichten. Die Strategie der Gewalt könne „ansteckend sein und unkontrollierbar werden“, warnte der päpstliche Diplomat. In einer Zeit allgegenwärtiger Menschenrechtsverletzungen müsse man vermeiden, „sich an das Morden zu gewöhnen“. Vielmehr gelte es, positiv zu reagieren, um den Konflikt zu mildern, „der uns alle betrifft“.
#HRC has just adopted resolution to investigate crimes for #AccountabilityInGaza. 29 in favour, 17 abstained, only USA voted no…
Abstimmung: 27 Ja, 17 Enthaltungen, 1 Nein (natürlich die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika). Thanks, @UNrightswire. #UNHRC #Gaza #Palästina
US votes no. Voted yes, inquiries into SriLanka & Syria – rightly so. Shows just how spineless US is on Palestinian human rights #HRC #Gaza
UN Human Rights Council adopts resolution on #Palestine & #Gaza. 29 States voted for, 1 against, 17 abst.
Der UNO Menschenrechtsrat richtet eine Untersuchungskommission bez. Völkerrechtsverstößen im Zuge militärischer Aktionen in Palästina ein.
Text der Resolution, die gleich vom Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen beschlossen wird. #Gaza #Israel
#EU will abstain from vote #Gaza #Humanrightscouncil #HRC #IHL #humanrights
#UNHRC starts voting on the draft resolution 21/L1 on #GAZA. Draft resolution being introduced by Pakistan, on behalf of OIC.
Israel pounds Gaza amid renewed truce efforts
Wednesday’s deaths bring the number of Palestinians killed during the 16-day Israeli assault on Gaza to 648, including scores of children. More than 4,000 people have been injured.
#UNHRC session (NOW) on #Gaza: NGO representative show Council explosive ammunition used by #Israel against civilians
Lebanon: The shelling of hospitals and schools… is that not sufficient reason to hold this session? #UNHRC #GazaUnderAttack
Bolivia: We urge the call for Israels crimes to be investigated & sanctioned in the context of intl humanitarian law #UNHRC #GazaUnderAttack
Chad: Expresses solidarity with the Palestinian People in general and Gaza specifically in these difficult times #UNHRC #GazaUnderAttack
Angola: Deeply outraged by the unnacceptable situation happening in Gaza #UNHRC #GazaUnderAttack
Ecuador: We reiterate our full commitment to the palestinian cause #UNHRC
1st Meeting – 21st Special Session of Human Rights Council
23 Jul 2014 – 21st special session of the Human Rights Council on the human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem
East Ukraine militias shoot down two jets of Ukrainian Air Force
According to available information, the Ukrainian army had 17 jet fighters, 35 attack planes and 33 bombers at the beginning of the armed operation in the east of the country.
Two Ukraine military jets shot down, officials say
The Ukrainian Defense Ministry said two Sukhoi-25 fighters were shot down Wednesday afternoon over an area called Savur Mogila. The planes may have been carrying up to two crew members each, according to Defense Ministry spokesman Oleksiy Dmitrashkovsky.
#UNHRC Is now resuming #GazaUnderAttack
Israel: Die Internet-Armee der Regierung am Interdisziplinären Zentrum Herzliya
Diesem vereinten Aufgebot an Spionage, „Antiterror“-Kampf, Propaganda und Wissenschaft steht der Rest der Welt mit grösserem moralischen Potential gegenüber, der sich für Frieden und Gemeinsamkeit einsetzt.
Catholics must fight ‚culture of death,‘ new poverty – pope
The pope‘s message urged followers to work „not only to ensure adequate legal protections for the fundamental human right to life, but also to try to bring the merciful love of Christ as a life-giving balm to those troubled by new forms of poverty and vulnerability“.
Deutschland braucht keine bewaffneten Drohnen
Wir fordern die Bundesregierung auf, von der Beschaffung bewaffneter Drohnen abzusehen! Wir stehen als DL21 hinter dem Beschluss des SPD-Parteivorstandes vom Juni 2013. Darin wurde festgehalten, dass Deutschland keine bewaffneten Drohnen braucht und sich für die Ächtung dieser Waffensysteme einsetzen solle. Die DL21 spricht sich schon lange gegen den Kauf von „Kampfdrohnen“ für die Bundeswehr aus.
Israeli scholar: ‘Only raping the sister of a terrorist can deter him’
Dr. Mordechai Keidar, a lecturer on Arabic literature at Bar Ilan University, is well known for his right wing views. Yet in an interview [Heb] to the Israeli Broadcasting authority given after the finding of the three bodies of Naftali Fraenkel, Gilad Shaer and Eyal Yifrah (July 1, 2014), he showed what he believes to be the truth about “Middle Eastern culture.”
Keidar: “A terrorist, like those who kidnapped the boys and killed them, the only thing that will deter them, is if they know that either their sister or mother will be raped if they are caught. What can we do? This is the culture that we live in –“
Interviewer, Yossi Hadar: “—Yes, this sounds bad, but…”
Keidar: “It sounds very bad, but this is a lesson. This is the Middle East.
Netanyahu: this battle against terror is a part of a historical battle targeting the state since its establishment
Was würdet ihr schätzen, wie viele Namen auf der Terroristen-Liste der USA sind? 1000? 5000? 10000?
AP berichtet, dass alleine in den letzten 5 Jahren über 1,5 Millionen Namen hinzugefügt wurden.
Regierungsentwurf: Festplattenabgabe und Leistungsschutzrecht ab Oktober
Nachdem sich sowohl Kulturminister Josef Ostermayer (SPÖ) als auch Justizminister Wolfgang Brandstetter (ÖVP) für dieses Modell ausgesprochen haben, ist nun ein Entwurf der Gesetzesänderung aufgetaucht.
The strange saga of now-dead billionaire South Korean ferry owner Yoo Byung-un
The billionaire tycoon Yoo Byung-un founded the Web site, led a church critics considered a cult, was once jailed for fraud, but only recently became internationally known as the focus of the largest manhunt in South Korean history.
California Highway Patrol Seizes Medical Records Of Woman An Officer Was Caught On Tape Beating
Today‘s demonstration of post-brutality scrambling is brought to you by the California Highway Patrol. First off, we‘ll take a look at the „alleged“ brutality, which looks incredibly similar to non-alleged brutality. (Apologies for the watermark the person who recorded the incident slapped all over the video.)
Carnegie Mellon Kills Black Hat Talk About Identifying Tor Users — Perhaps Because It Broke Wiretapping Laws
There‘s some buzz in security circles today after it came out that a session at the upcoming Black Hat Conference entitled „You Don‘t Have to be the NSA to Break Tor: Deanonymizing Users on a Budget“ by Michael McCord and Alexander Volynkin (both of whom work for Carnegie-Mellon University and CERT) had been pulled from the conference at the request of CMU.
Talk on cracking Internet anonymity service Tor canceled
A highly anticipated talk on how to identify users of the Internet privacy service Tor was withdrawn from the upcoming Black Hat security conference, a spokeswoman for the event said on Monday
US-Unteroffizier Boyd beobachtete Abschuss von Flug MH17
Der Fernsehsender “MSNBC” interviewte ihn per Telefon, er hätte sich gerade in der US-Botschaft in Kiew aufgehalten. Seine Beschreibung:
“Ich schaute aus dem Fenster und sah ein Projektil in den Himmel fliegen. Es erschien, dass das Flugzeug abgeschossen wurde (…).”
Als die Reporterin nach seiner Militärausbildung fragte und ob er nähere Angaben machen könnte, von welchem System die Rakete abgefeuert worden sein könnte, antwortete er, dass sie eine dumme Kuh wäre.
NSU-Prozess: Zeuge fehlt, weil er „etwas trinken“ musste
Der fehlende Zeuge war schon einem früheren Verhandlungstermin ferngeblieben – damals ohne Entschuldigung.
Kindstötungen & Co.- Kriegsverbrechen in Gaza? Israel unter UN- Verdacht
Die Vereinten Nationen haben deutliche Hinweise darauf, dass Israels Armee bei ihrer derzeitigen Militäroperation im Gazastreifen Kriegsverbrechen verübt hat. Es gebe eine „große Möglichkeit“, dass die Tötung von Kindern und die Zerstörung von Häusern durch Israel völkerrechtswidrig seien, sagte Menschenrechtskommissarin Navi Pillay (Bild) am Mittwoch. Gleichzeitig gab es scharfe Kritik an der Hamas.
#UNHRC Will reconvene in 2 hours #GazaUnderAttack
Geheimdienste: DE-CIX bei manipulierter Hardware machtlos gegen Spionage
Eine Frankfurter Wirtschaftsvereinigung sieht die Betreiber des DE-CIX schuldlos an der Überwachung und Spionage an dem Internetknoten. Die Betreiber bekämen davon nichts mit.