„Ich bin der Präsident der ältesten konstitutionellen Demokratie der Welt“, begründete er seine Volte. „Ich habe immer schon geglaubt, dass unsere Macht nicht nur in unserer Militärmacht verwurzelt ist, sondern in unserem Vorbild als Regierung des Volkes, durch das Volk und für das Volk.“
Daily Archives: 31. August 2013
Obama‘s last-minute decision to seek congressional approval for Syria strike
Senior administration officials say a heated debate broke out over the president‘s decision. Those officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity and asked not to be quoted, declined to say which advisers initially disagreed with the call to seek congressional approval. The administration‘s national security team, those officials added, is now firmly behind the president.
Statement by the President on Syria
But having made my decision as Commander-in-Chief based on what I am convinced is our national security interests, I‘m also mindful that I‘m the President of the world‘s oldest constitutional democracy. I‘ve long believed that our power is rooted not just in our military might, but in our example as a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. And that’s why I‘ve made a second decision: I will seek authorization for the use of force from the American people‘s representatives in Congress.
Over the last several days, we‘ve heard from members of Congress who want their voices to be heard. I absolutely agree. So this morning, I spoke with all four congressional leaders, and they‘ve agreed to schedule a debate and then a vote as soon as Congress comes back into session.
President Obama Speaks on Syria
President Obama speaks on the situation in Syria from the White House Rose Garden. August 31, 2013.
Paul Craig Roberts – Obama lässt seine Diktatur erkennen
Washington brüstet sich damit, „die grösste Demokratie der Welt zu sein.” Washington benützt die Behauptung, dass es die Demokratie verbreitet, als eine Rechtfertigung für seine nackte Aggression – ein klares und eindeutiges Kriegsverbrechen – gegen andere Länder. Washington hüllt sein illegales Vorgehen in eine demokratische Rhetorik trotz der offenkundigen Tatsache, dass seine Kriege nicht die Folge einer demokratischen Entscheidung sind.
U.S. spy agencies mounted 231 offensive cyber-operations in 2011, documents show
Most offensive operations have immediate effects only on data or the proper functioning of an adversary’s machine: slowing its network connection, filling its screen with static or scrambling the results of basic calculations. Any of those could have powerful effects if they caused an adversary to botch the timing of an attack, lose control of a computer or miscalculate locations.
Prevent an Attack on Syria Now
As a constituent, I am writing to let you know that I oppose a military attack on Syria. Creative diplomacy is the best way to respond to the alleged use of chemical weapons. I urge you to work for a ceasefire, to pressure Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states, and Turkey, to halt the flow of weapons, and to pressure Russia and Iran to do the same.
Rettet den Salamander-Wald
Nirgends in Europa fühlt sich der Feuersalamander so zu Hause wie in Deutschland: In einem Waldmeister-Buchenwald bei Reutlingen in Baden-Württemberg lebt die größte Population dieser „besonders geschützten“ Lurche. Das Biosphärengebiet mit seinen Buchen, Eschen und bis zu 200 Jahre alten Eichen ist außerdem die Heimat vieler anderer gefährdeter Waldtiere. Neben Vögeln, Fledermäusen, Reptilien und Steinkrebsen lebt nahe den Quellgewässern auch die Gelbbauchunke, eine in Europa streng geschützte Amphibienart.
Doch diese einzigartige Wildnis mitten in Deutschland soll nun geopfert werden: Die Stadt Reutlingen will den Wald in eine Deponie verwandeln – der Erdaushub eines Tunnelbaus soll den wertvollen Lebensraum und dessen Bewohner unter sich begraben. Hier wird eindeutig gegen geltendes Recht verstoßen: Für das als besonders schützenswert eingestufte Gebiet liegt noch keine offizielle Baugenehmigung vor. Außerdem gibt es in Reutlingen mindestens vier geeignete Alternativen für die Deponie. Trotzdem hat die Stadt bereits mit den Vorbereitungen und Rodungen begonnen. Tausende obdachlos gewordene Gelbbauchunken und Feuersalamander wurden eimerweise zwangsumgesiedelt.
General Wesley Clark – US Planned Invasion of Seven Countries Back In 2001
“Are we still going to war with Iraq?”
“Oh its worse than that. “
“I just got this down from upstairs [the secretary of defense‘s office], this is a memo that describes how we are going to take out seven countries in five years – staring with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and finishing off, Iran.”
Syria intervention plan fueled by oil interests, not chemical weapon concern
So what was this unfolding strategy to undermine Syria and Iran all about? According to retired NATO Secretary General Wesley Clark, a memo from the Office of the US Secretary of Defense just a few weeks after 9/11 revealed plans to „attack and destroy the governments in 7 countries in five years“, starting with Iraq and moving on to „Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.“ In a subsequent interview, Clark argues that this strategy is fundamentally about control of the region‘s vast oil and gas resources.
Much of the strategy currently at play was candidly described in a 2008 US Army-funded RAND report, Unfolding the Future of the Long War (pdf). The report noted that „the economies of the industrialized states will continue to rely heavily on oil, thus making it a strategically important resource.“ As most oil will be produced in the Middle East, the US has „motive for maintaining stability in and good relations with Middle Eastern states“:
Wes Clark and the neocon dream
26.11.2011 In October, 2007, Gen. Wesley Clark gave a speech to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco (seven-minute excerpt in the video below) in which he denounced what he called “a policy coup” engineered by neocons in the wake of 9/11. After recounting how a Pentagon source had told him weeks after 9/11 of the Pentagon’s plan to attack Iraq notwithstanding its non-involvement in 9/11, this is how Clark described the aspirations of the “coup” being plotted by Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and what he called “a half dozen other collaborators from the Project for the New American Century”:
Six weeks later, I saw the same officer, and asked: “Why haven’t we attacked Iraq? Are we still going to attack Iraq?”
Syria anti-intervention march in London draws thousands (PHOTOS)
One of the speakers on stage – Labour Party MP, Diane Abbott – said that an “illegal” war in Syria “wouldn’t solve anything,” adding that “if the answer is an American military intervention than you have asked the wrong questions.”
Syria unrest: Amid worldwide protests against military action, British Parliament votes down strike (photos)
Demonstrators take part in a protest calling for no military attack on Syria outside the White House in Washington, Thursday, Aug. 29, 2013.
Activists in US protest against military strike on Syria
Activists hold placards during a demonstration against the military strike on Syria in front of the White House in Washington D.C., capital of the United States, Aug. 29, 2013. Amid signs the U.S. is ready to attack Syria, 140 members of the U.S. House of Representatives have signed onto a letter, demanding President Barack Obama get authorization of Congress before going ahead with the military strike.
Egypt hopes for a ‘no strike’ scenario against Syria, urges caution
Kadri Saiid, senior strategic affairs expert at the Al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies, says a military strike against Syria is the last thing Egypt needs. Even if it is not a war in the conventional sense, Saiid argues, it would still be destabilising for Syria and the entire region, Egypt included.
Egypt‘s billionaire Naguib Sawiris stirs ire calling for 2-year protest ban
Egypt‘s second richest man calls for protests and sit-ins to end, and for Egyptians to return to work, sparking criticism on Twitter
STOP U.S. war on SYRIA
Without presenting even a hint of proof of Washington’s allegations that Syria has used poison gas, Secretary of State John Kerry has announced that a rocket attack on the sovereign state of Syria from four U.S. destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean is imminent.
Turkish protesters hold demo against military strike on Syria
On Thursday, the demonstrators gathered outside Turkey‘s Incirlik air base — a strategic site for the United States Air Force and less than an hour‘s flying time from the Syrian border — to show their opposition to any military strike on the Arab country.
Waving placards reading „No to War“ and „Syria is a Brotherly Nation,“ the demonstrators also urged Ankara not to participate in any military intervention in Syria.
Syria crisis: Anti-war protesters march through London hailing ‚victory‘ after Britain rules out military action
Thousands of anti-war protesters have hailed Parliament‘s vote against British intervention in Syria as a „victory“ as they gathered in Trafalgar Square to show their opposition to military strikes.
London demonstration keeps up pressure against attack on Syria
Up to 5,000 people marched through central London today, Saturday, on a demonstration to oppose military intervention in Syria.
Jordanians protest proposed Western military action against Syria
“Like all of America’s wars in the Arab world, Jordan will pay the price if they attack Syria,” said Mohammed Hamour, a 22-year-old engineering student, as he hoisted a Syrian flag in the air. “Any military attack on Syria will be an attack on the safety, security and livelihood of the Jordanian people.”
Österreich: Präsident Fischer warnt vor Eingreifen in Syrien
„Für mich ist es nur logisch, dass man, wenn man eine UN-Mission nach Syrien schickt, man auch abwartet, was diese Mission herausfindet“, so der Bundespräsident.
„Ich bin besorgt über das Nachdenken über Militäraktionen, bei denen es nicht um Selbstverteidigung oder um vom UN-Sicherheitsrat sanktionierte Missionen geht“, sagte er.
Stecken von Saudi Arabien unterstützte Rebellen hinter dem Giftgasangriff in Syrien?
Lt. einem Artikel von Mintpress sollen von Saudi Arabien unterstützte Rebellen den Giftgasanschlag verübt haben.
Rückzieher von Obama: Kongress soll über Angriff auf Syrien entscheiden
Obama will jetzt den Kongress mit in die Entscheidung mit einbeziehen und frühstens ab dem 9. September über den Militärschlag gegen Syrien abstimmen lassen.
Erneutes ‘Beweisfoto’ zu Giftgaseinsatz syrischer Truppen vom Irak 2003
Eines der Bilder der Opfer, die das Ausmass des Verbrechens dokumentieren sollten um das rationale Denken durch Emotionen auszuschalten, ist jedoch schon zehn Jahre alt und zeigt viele mit weissen Tüchern abgedeckte Leichen, über die ein Kind springt. Es wurde im Irakkrieg aufgenommen.
Putin: As Nobel Prize Winner, Obama Must Think of Victims before Attacking Syria
Russian President Vladimir Putin called his American counterpart Barack Obama on Saturday not to forget that he holds a Nobel Peace Prize.
„I would like to say to Obama as a Nobel Peace Prize winner: before you use force in Syria, you should think of the victims that will fall,“ Putin said, pointing out that „Russia calls for deep thinking before making a decision of operation in Syria.“
Saudi Bandar Provided Gouta Chemical Weapons, Militants Mishandled
„It‘s worth to mention AP did not adopt the report, so it was published via other websites“.
Bundeskriminalamt wehrt sich gegen Parlamentskontrolle
Chorus of Syria leaks bear hallmark of White House‘s orchestrated spin
Just as the White House unveiled its dossier of evidence of chemical weapons attacks in Syria on Friday, two senior administration officials were giving a telephone briefing to the media. They were authorised by the administration to attest to the reliability of intelligence suggesting the attacks were carried out by Syria – but only on the condition of anonymity.
Kosovo-Einsatz könnte zur Vorlage für Syrien werden
(24.August) Das Elend, das Leid, die festgefahrene Situation: Die Luftangriffe auf Jugoslawien rechtfertigten die USA einst mit humanitären Gründen.
Syria is set to become a fractured state like the former Yugoslavia
A US strike on Syria is as much about beating back al-Qaida affiliates as it is about Bashar al-Assad
..und hier der Kontext von Thomas H Henriksen im Guardian: Syrien als sprudelnder Kriegsquell a la ex-Yugoslawien
Henryk M.Broder: Was weiß ich denn, wer den Reichstag angezündet hat, rrrrran da, an Syrien..(auf „Milosevic“ achten)
Foreign Ministry: Kerry‘s presentation is based on old stories published by terrorists
1-Syria has challenged the US to produce one piece of true and logical evidence that it used the alleged chemical weapons, and Kerry relied on fabricated images from the internet, and the alleged call made by a Syrian officer after the alleged attack is too ridiculous to be discussed.
2-Syria never impeded or restricted the international investigation committee, on the contrary; as the UN Secretary-General has lauded the Syrian cooperation with the committee in his most recent call with the Foreign and Expatriates Minister on 30/8/2013, asserting that Syria permitted the committee to move exactly as per the agreement signed by the two sides.
3-The UN itself said time and again that the traces of using any form of toxic gas do not dissipate over time, and the proof of this is that the UN sent the investigation committee 5 months after the Syrian government requested an investigation of Khan al-Assal incident. Therefore, the Syrian government did not delay the investigation committee‘s access to the alleged attack site, as this occurred within 48 hours of the arrival of UN envoy Angela Kane to Damascus. ..
Österreich: Präsident Fischer warnt vor Eingreifen in Syrien
„Ich bin besorgt über das Nachdenken über Militäraktionen, bei denen es nicht um Selbstverteidigung oder um vom UN-Sicherheitsrat sanktionierte Missionen geht“, sagte er.
Syria: Putin rubbishes chemical attack claims
Vladimir Putin has rejected US intelligence claims that Bashar al-Assad‘s regime used chemical weapons in Syria, saying it would be „utter nonsense“ for government troops to use such tactics in a war it was already winning.
„That is why I am convinced that [the chemical attack] is nothing more than a provocation by those who want to drag other countries into the Syrian conflict, and who want to win the support of powerful members of the international arena, especially the United States,“ Putin told journalists in Vladivostok.
Jede Entscheidung zu Syrien ist ein Fehler
In komplizierten Konfliktsituationen hatte mein weiser Vater stets diese Geschichte parat: Nach einer wüsten Schlägerei landet Moishe ziemlich ramponiert im Krankenhaus. Seine Freunde besuchen ihn, um ihn aufzuheitern und vor allem in Erfahrung zu bringen, was denn überhaupt geschehen ist. „Was ist passiert?“, wollen sie wissen. Und Moishe antwortet: „Es hat alles damit begonnen, dass er zurückschlug!“
Silent international partners in President Obama‘s possible Syria strike may be critical: expert
beneath the headlines of the smaller, latter-day coalition of the willing outlined by Kerry, one finds a pretty deep bench of silent or quiet partners.
As Strike Looms, F.B.I. Sharpens Scrutiny of Syrians in U.S. for Signs of Retaliation
The F.B.I. has increased its surveillance of Syrians inside the United States
Bestandsdatenauskunft: Verfassungsklage läuft an
Die bereits vor einiger Zeit angekündigte Verfassungsklage gegen die so genannte Bestandsdatenauskunft läuft nun an. Über 6.000 Bürger wenden sich dabei an das Bundesverfassungsgericht.
Microsoft und Google klagen gegen die US-Regierung
Die beiden Unternehmen wollen vor Gericht das Recht erstreiten, Angaben über die Abfrage von Nutzerdaten und -inhalten zu veröffentlichen.
Steinbrück: Glaube der NSA nicht bis zum Briefkasten
„Es ist schon eher politisches Kabarett, wenn Herr Pofalla sich auf die Bühne stellt und sagt‘ ‚hiermit erkläre ich die Abhöraffäre für beendet‘. Ich kann mich auch hinstellen und sagen, hiermit ist die Erdumlaufbahn der Erde um die Sonne beendet“, so Steinbrück in der Sendung, die heute um 19.15 Uhr ausgestrahlt wird.
Without world support on Syria, Obama now faces uphill effort to convince Americans
After failing to win support from the United Nations and the British public for military action in Syria, the Obama administration is just now trying what some lawmakers say it should have been doing from the beginning — making the case to the American people.
Iranian MPs head to Syria to meet Assad: Majlis member
An Iranian parliamentary delegation has left Tehran for Damascus to hold talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on the latest developments in the Arab country, a member of Iran‘s Majlis says.
Protesters in Times Square: U.S. Should Butt Out Of Syria
Marching near the U.S. Armed Forces Recruiting Center, demonstrators, some carrying Syrian flags, chanted “Hands off Syria” and “We need jobs. We need peace. U.S. out of the Middle East.”
“You can’t go to war for peace,” protester Leewaa Abdul Khalak told WCBS 880′s Peter Haskell. “No lives will be saved.”
Putin wechselt seinen Vertreter im Fernen Osten aus
Präsident Wladimir Putin hat am Samstag seinen Berater Juri Trutnew zum bevollmächtigten Präsidentenvertreter im Föderationsbezirk Fernost ernannt. Gleichzeitig wird Trutnew das Amt eines Vizepremiers bekleiden.
Eric Margolis – Ein weiterer netter kleiner Krieg
Washingtons syrisches Missgeschick droht die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika auf einen sehr gefährlichen Kollisionskurs mit Russland zu bringen, Syriens engem Vebündeten. Bisher hat Russland eine diplomatische Lösung gesucht, aber es ist höchst unklug, den robusten Vladimir Putin zu hart zu stossen. Syrien liegt so nahe bei Russland wie Nordmexiko bei den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.
Syrien-Krieg: Was sind das eigentlich für “Chemiewaffen-Experten”? Und was ist das für eine Untersuchung?
Sind die U.N.O.-Experten überhaupt U.N.O.-Experten? Die mutmaßlichen Belege für einen Chemiewaffen-Einsatz des syrischen Regimes gegen die eigene Zivilbevölkerung werden jedenfalls nicht durch die U.N.O. untersucht. Dass der Bundestag und seine Partei-Parlamentsprothesen keine Rolle bei irgendetwas spielt, ist bekannt. Aber welche Rolle spielen die deutschen Behörden?
Growing Bipartisan Coalition Urges Obama to Seek Congressional Authorization for Syrian Strike
Here is a full copy of the letter, followed by the 116 signatures (Democrats in italics):
„We strongly urge you to consult and receive authorization from Congress before ordering the use of U.S. military force in Syria. Your responsibility to do so is prescribed in the Constitution and the War Powers Resolution of 1973.“
Ala. Congressman Urges POTUS to Consult Congress on Syria
„Congress is the proper forum for a public policy debate on whether America should use military force against Syria,“ Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) said in a statement released Friday.
Earlier in the week, Rep. Brooks was one of 140 representatives to sign a letter to the President reminding him of the 1973 War Powers Resolution.
Local Congressional Members Weigh In On Possible Actions Against Syria
“I quite frankly think the president ought to brief Congress on this,” said U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy, an Upper St. Clair Republican, on Thursday. “I think he ought to seek our permission. I signed a letter yesterday to the president asking to do that.”
US-Senator: Chemiewaffen überall im Irak gelagert
(20.02.2007) “Wenn wir uns zurückziehen und scheitern, müssen wir vielleicht unsere Truppen von überall in der Welt zurückziehen”, so DeMint weiter.
“Wer glaubt uns noch, wenn wir sagen, wir werden das jetzt im Libanon machen, oder wir werden das machen um Taiwan beschützen, oder wir werden das machen um Südkorea zu beschützen? Wer soll uns noch glauben, wenn wir nicht dabei bleiben, was wir gesagt haben was wir machen würden?”, so der US-Senator
Rep. Lee Terry: My ‚Gut Feeling‘ Says Syria‘s WMDs Came From Iraq
„The theory then and the evidence was that Iraq was an enemy of the United States and had direct plans in either support of al Qaeda and/or with other weapons that we found out weren’t there — which I still think they were moved to Syria,“ said Terry. „And it wouldn’t surprise me if some of the chemical weapons that have been used by Syria actually came from Iraq.“
Venezuelan Lawmaker Volunteers To Fight For Syria‘s Assad Regime
“Syria needs full support against these criminals,” Zabayer wrote in a letter to the national assembly, according to Venezuelan media.
US-Experte: Washington muss Ziele seines Eingreifens in Syrien erläutern
„Der Präsident muss dem amerikanischen Volk und dem Kongress erklären, was er erreichen will, indem er Kampfhandlungen sanktioniert“, sagte der Experte in einem RIA-Novosti-Gespräch. „Wie will er C-Waffen-Einsätze in Zukunft verhindern und zugleich die anderen US-Interessen in der Region nicht gefährden?“