Around 5,000 Spanish police officers marched through the streets of Madrid on Saturday to protest government austerity measures, including frozen pensions and the elimination of their Christmas bonuses.
Officers travelled from across Spain to take part in the demonstration which was called by the nation’s main policing union.
Well over half of British voters now want to leave the European Union, according to an opinion poll that shows anti-EU sentiment is sweeping through all three main political parties.
Multifront engagement scenarios designed for the thousands of U.S. and Israeli forces participating in Austere Challenge 2012 grew exceedingly realistic in the closing days of the biennial drill, as operators and joint task force commanders from U.S. European Command (EUCOM) witnessed at least four operational intercepts by the Israeli Iron Dome.
Aus seiner Sicht seien die andauernden Raketenangriffe aus den Palästinensergebieten ausschlaggebender Faktor für die Zuspitzung des Konflikts gewesen – nicht die gezielte Tötung des Militärchefs der Hamas im Gazastreifen, Ahmed al-Dschabari.
“We believe that the precipitating factor for the conflict was the rocket fire coming out of Gaza,” said Ben Rhodes, Obama’s deputy national security adviser. “We believe that Israel has a right to defend itself and will make its own decisions about the package that they use in that regard.”
Palestinian women cry during the funeral of Tahrer Salman and Mohammed Salman in Beit Lahia, north Gaza, Friday, Nov. 16, 2012. According to relatives, the two members of the Salman family were killed after an Israeli airstrike hit the yard of their house
Past protests have led to incidents of violence, particularly outside the American Embassy, which for some Greeks still remains the symbol of repression for supporting the junta of the Colonels. The Communist party will also lead a march to the Israeli Embassy to protest Israeli air strikes against Gaza, the base for rockets being fired into Israel.
On the 17th of November, the mind and our heart is at the University of Athens or else know as ”Politexneion”. It’s been 39 years since the heroic uprising of students, the youth and the entire Greek nation against tyranny, in November 1973.
Thousands of Greeks marched in Athens on Saturday in the annual demonstration commemorating the violent suppression of a 1973 student uprising against a US-backed junta.
Ben Rhodes, White House deputy national security adviser, told reporters the United States „wants the same thing as the Israelis want,“ which is an end to rocket attacks on Israel by Palestinian militants in Gaza.
The Obama administration‘s unstinting financial, military and diplomatic support for Israel is a key enabling force in the conflict
Laut Israels Botschafter in Washington haben die USA grünes Licht für einen Angriff auf Gaza gegeben
Im Gespräch mit Netanjahu seien sich beide einig gewesen, dass schnell ein Waffenstillstand erreicht werden müsse, sagte Vizeregierungssprecher Georg Streiter.
The Western media chose to identify the activists as “Shi’ite.” Unfortunately they succumbed to reporting the story through the same sectarian prism characteristic of the al-Khalifa worldview, which is to classify everyone based on religious affiliation.
f you give someone something you stole from them, it‘s not a gift. If you give someone money you owe them, it‘s not a gift. If you wrongfully collect rent, knowing your tenants can legally refuse to pay because you‘re not providing basic services, and then you give part of that rent back two months later — that‘s certainly not a gift.
Wenn das Licht 13,3 Milliarden Jahre brauchte, um zu uns zu gelangen, bedeutet dies zugleich, dass dieses Objekt bereits etwa 420 Millionen Jahre nach dem Urknall bestand.
Der 27-Jährige hatte sich dort tagelang verschanzt, aus Protest gegen den geplanten Braunkohleabbau vor Ort.
Aus deutschen Regierungskreisen zitierte das Blatt, dass die Raketen im Fall eines Angriffs auf die Türkei auch eingesetzt würden. Die Stationierung sei „nicht nur psychologisch gemeint“.
Zwei spektakuläre Fälle von Selbstmord haben die spanische Regierung nun nach langen Monaten des Abwartens zum Handeln gezwungen: Eine Mutter von drei kleinen Kindern stürzte sich vom Balkon aus dem vierten Stock, als sie ihre Wohnung räumen sollte. Im zweiten Fall erhängte sich ein Rentner, als der Gerichtsvollzieher vor der Tür stand.
Gewerkschaftschef Dusan Semolic rief die Regierung des Euro-Landes auf, „dem durch Europa geisternden neoliberalen Virus zu widerstehen“. Reformen müssten den Menschen dienen und nicht den Interessen der EU.
Abstract: Autism is a condition characterized by impaired cognitive and social skills, associated with compromised immune function. The incidence is alarmingly on the rise, and environmental factors are increasingly suspected to play a role. This paper investigates word frequency patterns in the U.S. CDC Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database. Our results provide strong evidence supporting a link between autism and the aluminum in vaccines. A literature review showing toxicity of aluminum in human physiology offers further support.
Wieder einmal schäumen Regierungsvertreter der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, nachdem heute ein irakisches Gericht endgültig die Freilassung von Ali Mussa Daqduq angeordnet hat, von dem die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika behaupten, er sei ein „Hezbollah Commander,“ der aber wiederholt von irakischen Gerichten freigesprochen worden ist.
The parties also exchanged views on topical issues in Russian-Turkish relations in the light of the forthcoming meeting of the countries’ High-Level Cooperation Council.
The conversation was initiated by the Turkish side.
“The Russian president has called on opposing sides of the conflict to avoid the escalation of violence, which claims the lives of innocent civilians, and do everything possible to restore peace in the region,” the Kremlin said in a statement
This came in a statement Friday by the Israel Home Front Command Chief Major-General Eyal Eisenberg. He also urged the local military command officers and the local government agencies of southern Israel to brace themselves for the fact that the operation in the Gaza Strip may last for at least seven weeks.
President Vladimir Putin told Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi in a telephone call that Russia supports Egypt‘s efforts to halt the escalating violence in Gaza, the Kremlin said Friday.
(15.11.) Putins Sprecher Dmitri Peskow teilte am Donnerstag mit: „Wir verfolgen die Situation sehr aufmerksam und sind besorgt. Präsident Putin bekommt online Informationen.“ Der russische Staatschef plane diesbezüglich für die nächste Zeit „internationale Kontakte“.
Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin und der türkische Regierungschef Recep Tayyip Erdogan haben in einem Telefongespräch die Situation im Gaza-Streifen erörtert und ihre Handlungen abgestimmt.
(14.11.) Hong‘s comments came after the Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces was formed on Sunday in Doha, Qatar. It has been acknowledged by some countries, including France.
In a press conference with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Putin stressed that the events in Syria could evolve to chaos as was the way in Libya.
Local residents who previously joined forces with the rebels are now speedily leaving their ranks. Availing themselves of the amnesty, former volunteers acknowledge they were promised cash rewards they never got.
Egyptian Transport Minister Mohammed Rashad Al-Matin resigned after an accident involving a school bus and a train, which killed at least 45 children, TV channel Al Jazeera reported.
In a statement issued on Saturday, the Human Rights Headquarters of the Iranian Judiciary said that the US act of denying visas to the Iranian delegation proves that America is misusing its position as the host of the international organization.
A new law would give Nevada City the power to hand out permits to a small group of homeless, which would give them permission to sleep in public. While the new ordinance would give some homeless a place to stay, it would tell others, mostly the troublemakers and the criminals, to stay away.
Dura contestazione alla Giornata della legalità
Challenged the minister of justice Cancellieri, in solidarity with the injured and arrested the days of European mobilization.
Er warne davor, dass Deutschland und die Nato sich ohne Völkerrechtsgrundlage militärisch in den Syrien-Konflikt hineinziehen lassen, sagte der Grünen-Sicherheitsexperte Omid Nouripour.
„Everything that is happening is in order to block our endeavors to reach the United Nations,“ Abbas told journalists.
Abbas, recognized by the West as the legitimate leader of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, has asked Arab League chief Nabil Elaraby to visit the enclave on Saturday and Sunday.
Aussenminister Didier Burkhalter hat am Donnerstag Palästinenserpräsident Mahmud Abbas in Bern zu einem Gespräch empfangen. Der Gesamtbundesrat wird «in den nächsten Tagen» über den Antrag bei der UNO für eine Aufwertung des Status der Palästinenser entscheiden.
Vor den anstehenden Wahlen nutzt der Krieg dem israelischen Premier Netanjahu. Verletzungen des Völkerrechts sind für ihn kein Hindernis, sondern ein Argument für seine Wiederwahl.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan denounced Israeli’s air strikes on Gaza on Friday as a ‘pre-election stunt’ and said he would discuss the crisis with Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi on his Cairo visit on Saturday.
Hisbollah-Generalsekretär Hassan Nasrallah hat in seiner Ansprache am Donnerstag öffentlich vorgeschlagen, die ölexportierenden arabischen und islamischen Staaten mögen Öl als Waffe zu benutzen, um die USA und die EU zu zwingen, das gegenwärtige zionistische Wahlkampfmassaker in Gaza zu stoppen.
The Electronic Intifada is proud to present “Not a dreamland”: artists and alternative subcultures in Gaza. This multimedia feature combines videos, stills and sounds collected in February 2012 by Anne Paq of the ActiveStills ( photography collective, exploring vibrant subcultures in the occupied and besieged Gaza Strip.
Die israelische Luftwaffe hat ihre Angriffe auf Ziele im Gazastreifen in der Nacht zum Samstag wieder verschärft.
The White House says Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Obama to provide an update on the situation. (…)
Obama reiterated U.S. support for Israel’s right to self-defense
Often, the subjects of electronic searches never know that they‘ve been hit, let alone why.
Recently, big tech companies including Google Inc and Facebook Inc are pushing back, refusing to disclose even old communications without a warrant and effectively daring the government to press its policy in court.
(13.11.) What we do know is that she will step down as secretary of state. In fact aides indicated that she had planned an elegant exit a few weeks ago until she was hung out to dry by the White House in the wake of the killing of the US ambassador to Libya. She defiantly stayed on despite the hopes of the Obama team that she would take one for the Democrats at a pivotal point in the presidential campaign.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Saturday that reaching a deal to resolve America‘s budget crisis is critical to its global leadership and national security and would bolster efforts to project U.S. economic power around the world.
(11.Mai 2008) Und eh man sich´s versieht ist man als deutscher Michel wieder im Krieg, hat der Regierung gesagt “Macht ma..”, sich selbst besoffen zurückgelehnt und guckt dann dumm in der Republik herum wie und warum das alles wieder mal passieren konnte.
Wie und warum? Das kann ich Euch sagen:
weil ihr alles blöde Säcke seid.
Wer im Senegal einkauft, findet auf den Märkten kaum einheimisches Obst und Gemüse: Die Tomaten kommen aus Italien, die Kartoffeln und Zwiebeln aus Holland. In den Geschäften ist es ähnlich: Dort steht Trockenmilch, importiert aus Europa. In Afrika, wo 85 Prozent der Bevölkerung von der Landwirtschaft und Viehzucht leben, können lokale Milchproduzenten ihre Milch nicht mehr verkaufen, weil die importierte Trockenmilch erheblich billiger ist
„The secretary has committed to testifying before our committee … on the Accountability Review Board‘s report, which is expected to be concluded by early to mid-December,“
I‘m sure years from now, when the CIA has once again employed the Taliban to fight on our behalf against the Chinese-Australian-Alien Alliance, we‘ll all look back on this and have a nice laugh
„The Tampa social scene is like [Washington] DC,“ says Aaron Fodiman, editor of the Tampa Bay Magazine. (..)
There are different niches of celebrity, influence and power. It‘s just the way the world works.“
Regierungen sind anscheinend vor allem deshalb bereit, gezielte Tötungen an Privatfirmen auszulagern, da dies die Verbindung zur verantwortlichen Regierung verschleiert und die Operationen leichter abgeleugnet werden können. Falls ein privater Sicherheitsdienstleister im Zusammenhang mit einer gezielten Tötung verhaftet wird, kann die auftraggebende Regierung jegliches Wissen und jede Verantwortung abstreiten.
“every bureaucracy in the world is best at protecting itself. So once the CIA becomes a paramilitary organization, there’s going to be in-built pressure to keep going in that direction. Because you’ll have people at the senior levels in the organization who have come up that way and are protective of what they see as their turf,” he told me. “That’s the big danger.”