Archiv: Yarmuk

07.05.2018 - 20:27 [ Al-Masdar News ]

Syrian Army, Palestinian forces enter Yarmouk Camp after massive push into ISIS pocket

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), alongside their Palestinian allies, continued their field operations inside the southern districts of Damascus on Sunday.

Led by their Republican Guard, the Syrian Arab Army managed to score a big advance inside the Yarmouk Camp, liberating a large part of the northwestern corridor of this historically Palestinian district.

05.05.2018 - 14:50 [ Al-Masdar News ]

First glimpses from ISIS controlled Yarmouk Camp

As depicted in the photos below, the war has taken a great toll on the Yarmouk Camp, as most of the buildings in this district have been destroyed by the brutal battles that have taken place over the last seven years of this war.

05.05.2018 - 14:47 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Syrian army controls 65% of Yarmouk Refugee Camp, say Russians

“This area was a stronghold for Daesh terrorists during the past six years,” ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov told a press conference. “They arrived in the area after they were beaten in different places across Syria.” Government forces, he added, now control 65 per cent of the area, even as operations continue to push Daesh out completely.

03.05.2018 - 14:15 [ ]

Syrische Rebellen bereiten weiter Abzüge vor

Zahlreiche Rebellengruppen wurden inzwischen zum Abzug aus ihren Bastionen bei Damaskus gezwungen. Unter dem Druck der Armee willigten zuletzt auch frühere Al-Kaida-Kämpfer des Dschihadistenbündnisses Hajat Tahrir al-Scham ein, das palästinensische Flüchtlingslager Jarmuk zu räumen.