Archiv: Seongju

23.04.2018 - 19:33 [ Arirang News / Youtube ]

Police block entrance to THAAD base as protests turn violent

This comes after 30 protesters confronted police officers at the base‘s entrance on Sunday evening,… leaving at least two with injuries following the clashes. Demonstrators have been blocking the transport of construction materials and equipment into the THAAD site for months. More clashes are expected Monday as the defense ministry has said more construction equipment will be brought in today,… after attempts to do so earlier this month failed.

23.04.2018 - 19:31 [ Arirang News / Youtube ]

Tensions rise in Seongju County between residents and police over further base

(11.4.2018) About 150 local residents, as well as some civic activists who are against the deployment,… have occupied the road into the site for the past few months,… preventing trucks from going in and out. Some three thousand police officers have been deployed there starting from seven A.M. Thursday,… to try and ensure the trucks can access the site.

23.04.2018 - 19:28 [ Korea Broadcasting System ]

Erneut Zusammenstoß zwischen Polizei und Einwohnern wegen Bauarbeiten an THAAD-Standort

Etwa 3.000 Polizisten wurden eingesetzt, um 200 Demonstranten auseinander zu treiben. Dabei wurden dutzende Personen verletzt, zwei mussten wegen ihrer Verletzungen ins Krankenhaus gebracht werden. Es wurden zwei Fahrzeuge und ein Zelt, die die Zufahrtsstraße blockierten, entfernt. Anschließend startete der Transport von Baumaterialien und Geräten.