Archiv: Michael Avenatti

06.05.2018 - 20:11 [ ]

‚Trump‘s going to be forced to resign‘: Stormy Daniels‘ lawyer predicts a fall

“Ultimately, he is going to be forced to resign,” said Michael Avenatti, the attorney for the adult film actor who says she had an affair with Donald Trump and was paid by Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, to keep it quiet.

“I don’t know how he will ultimately spin his departure, but I firmly believe there is going to be too much evidence of wrongdoing by him and those around him for him to be able to survive the balance of his term.”

06.05.2018 - 20:08 [ ]

Anwalt von Stormy Daniels: „Trump wird zum Rücktritt gezwungen sein“

Die Affäre um das an die Porno-Darstellerin Stormy Daniels gezahlte Schweigegeld weitet sich immer mehr zu einer medialen Schlacht zwischen Juristen aus. Und dabei hat das Lager von US-Präsident Donald Trump, repräsentiert durch Rudolph Giuliani, zurzeit die schlechteren Karten.