Archiv: Kopenhagen

22.11.2018 - 21:14 [ Times of India ]

‚David Coleman Headley is a master liar‘

(12.4.2018) It was extremely difficult to play David Cole Headley because he is a very broken person; someone who lied throughout his whole life hurting and manipulating everyone he ever knew. I have had to truly explore this from the inside out. To play him honestly, I have had to delve into what the meaning of truth and lies really is and how do we as individuals define these things.

Is he a person with many shades to his personality?

David Coleman Headly is a master liar, with countless shades. He knows how to reflect back to each person a version of himself that he knows that will correspond with that person.

22.11.2018 - 21:12 [ ]

David Headley pleads guilty in 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack

(18.3.2010) The agreement, announced in federal court in Chicago, is contingent on Mr. Headley’s full cooperation with US intelligence officials and prosecutors. Under sentencing guidelines he could receive a prison term of up to life in prison. But his prison time could be reduced based on the value of his cooperation.

Headley’s plea agreement says he’s been cooperating with US officials since his arrest in October 2009, and that he has already provided “substantial assistance.”

22.11.2018 - 21:02 [ ]

ARD-Themenabend „Saat des Terrors“: US-Agent mit Terror im Gepäck

Er sitzt im Gefängnis und schweigt bis heute. Doch es gibt Videoaufnahmen von den Verhören mit ihm. In der Dokumentation im Rahmen des ARD-Themenabends „Saat des Terrors“ sind Ausschnitte daraus zu sehen.

Die Nachforschungen der US-Ermittler lassen das Bild von Headley schließlich immer klarer werden: Der Geheimagent im Dienste der US-Regierung war der Mastermind hinter den Anschlägen von Mumbai und Kopenhagen.