Archiv: fundamental natural forces (interactions) / fundamentale Naturkräfte ("Wechselwirkung")

01.07.2023 - 16:32 [ Physics & Astronomy International Journal / ]

About the nature of gravitational and gravity waves

(March 20, 2018)

Gravitational waves, which Albert Einstein predicted in 1916.2 were a riddle until 14 September 2015. Gravitational waves are small deformations of the four dimensional space–time geometry. They propagate with the speed of light and they are generated by catastrophic events in the Universe, in which strong gravitational fields and sudden acceleration (or deceleration) of asymmetric distribution of large masses are involved. In the other words, according to the theory of relativity, any accelerating or decelerating massive object that isn’t spherically or cylindrically symmetrical generates detectable gravitational waves. That object could be for example neutron star or black hole binary system. Gravitational waves are also produced by cosmological explosions such as supernova. Gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental forces, it is known for a very long time, but still there is no a good unique gravity force (field) theory.

04.10.2021 - 07:04 [ National Astronomical Observatory of Japan / ]

Interplay Between Magnetic Force and Gravity in Massive Star Formation

(September 26, 2021)

The magnetic field is part of one of the four fundamental forces in nature. It plays a vital role in everyday life, from producing electricity in hydroelectric power plants to diagnosing diseases in medicine. Historically, the Earth’s magnetic field served as a compass for travelers before modern technology was available. Crucially for life, the Earth’s magnetic field acts as a shield protecting us from charged particles emanating from the Sun, which are accelerated by the Sun’s magnetic field. Removing this shield would very likely extinguish life on Earth.