Archiv: Frente Renovador (political party Argentina)

23.10.2023 - 04:45 [ Reuters ]

Argentina‘s Peronists post shock election win to seal run-off with libertarian Milei

Argentina‘s ruling Peronist coalition smashed expectations to lead the country‘s general election on Sunday, setting the stage for a polarized run-off vote next month between Economy Minister Sergio Massa and far-right libertarian radical Javier Milei.

23.10.2023 - 04:30 [ ]

No president-elect in Argentina

Economy Minister Sergio Massa received 35.9% of the vote, followed by La Libertad Avanza (LLA) Congressman Javier Milei (30.51%), who had emerged as the winner of the Aug. 13th Mandatory, Open and Simultaneous Preliminary Elections (PASO).

Juntos por el Cambio (JxC) of former President Mauricio Macri saw its candidate Patricia Bullrich with 23.61% of the vote.