Archiv: Fadi al-Batsh

06.05.2018 - 16:40 [ ]

Lecturer‘s assassins used fake Serbia, Montenegro passports

He suspects both men fled to Thailand not long after the murder to return to the „country of origin“, whom he declined to identify.

On whether the assassins were related to Israel‘s spy agency as speculated by many, including the victim‘s family, the source would only say that the men were „highly professional“ in their fields.

„Both men are related to interested parties in the Arab-Israeli conflict,“ he said. –

06.05.2018 - 16:32 [ Al Jazeera ]

Malaysia releases sketches of suspects in Fadi al-Batsh killing

(23.4.2018) The computer-generated photographs of the suspects are based on descriptions by witnesses, police chief Mohamad Fuzi Bin Harun told reporters. They show two light-skinned suspects who may be European or Middle Eastern. Both men are about 180cm with sturdy builds, the police chief said, according to a recording of his comments heard by Reuters news agency.