Archiv: Chardo Richardson

30.06.2018 - 14:50 [ CNN ]

Who‘s next? Progressive primary insurgents to watch

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez‘s primary defeat of New York Rep. Joe Crowley on Tuesday hit like a shot of pure political adrenaline for progressives hungry to remake the Democratic Party.
The question now, as the last round of nominating contests comes into focus, is simple — and for parts of the party establishment, terrifying: Who‘s next?

27.06.2018 - 23:41 [ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ‏/ Twitter ]

“The people closest to the pain should be closest to the power.” – @AyannaPressley. Vote her in next, Massachusetts. There are more of us, too: @CoriBush, @Chardo2018, @AyannaPressley & more.

We need to elect a corporate PAC-free caucus if we’re going to get things done.