Daily Archives: 8. November 2016

08.11.2016 - 09:23 [ Techdirt ]

James Comey To Congress: About Those Hillary Clinton Emails I Mentioned Last Week? Meh, Forget About It, Nothing To See

James Comey continues to be playing by his own ridiculous rules. He was playing by his own rules when he publicly announced that no charges would be sought against Hillary Clinton over her emails back in July. He was playing by his own rules a week ago when he revealed in a letter to Congress that new information had come to light, man. And, he continued to play by his own rules in sending a new letter to Congress saying, „Ooops, turns out there was nothing.“

08.11.2016 - 09:22 [ Jonathan Cook ]

No, Hillary Clinton is not less evil than Trump

Given that both Donald Trump and Clinton represent big money – and big money only – Clinton’s supporters have been forced to find another stick. And that has been the “lesser evil” argument. Clinton may be bad, but Trump would be far worse. Voting for a non-evil candidate like Jill Stein – who has no hope of winning – would split the progressive camp and ensure Trump, the more evil candidate, triumphs. Therefore, there is a moral obligation on progressive voters to back Clinton, however bad her track record as a senator and as secretary of state.

There is nothing new about this argument. It has been around for decades, and has been corralling progressives into voting for Democratic presidents who have consistently advanced US neoconservative policy goals abroad and neoliberal ones at home.

08.11.2016 - 09:22 [ Techdirt ]

If The FBI Can‘t Stop All These Leaks About An Investigation, Why Would it Be Able To Keep Encryption Backdoor Secret?

We learned what it pertained to (the Anthony Weiner investigation), heard estimates of the number of emails involved, heard that the FBI found them weeks ago but only told Comey right before he sent the letter, that the FBI didn‘t have a warrant to read the emails — and then that it did, and that a whole bunch of people inside both the FBI and DOJ have opinions on both sides of this whole mess.

Basically, the FBI (and the DOJ) were leaking information like it was the last chance they‘d ever have to leak information and their lives depended on who could leak the most.

08.11.2016 - 09:17 [ ad-hoc-news.de ]

Das neue BND-Gesetz unterwandert den Quellenschutz, bedroht die Pressefreiheit und legitimiert im Nachhinein die illegalen Machenschaften des Bundesnachrichtendienstes

Das neue BND-Gesetz unterwandert den Quellenschutz, bedroht die Pressefreiheit und legitimiert im Nachhinein die illegalen Machenschaften des Bundesnachrichtendienstes. StartPage.com https://startpage.com und StartMail.com https://startmail.com verstärken ihren Einsatz und bieten ihren Usern Schutz vor unrechtmäßiger Überwachung.

08.11.2016 - 09:13 [ Daily Sabah ]

British citizen detained in DHKP-C terror probe works for German spy agency BND

(4.4.2015) According to reports, Kacynski was not only responsible for giving instructions to the terrorist organization and providing communications between the DHKP-C and BND, but was also responsible for providing funding from Europe. It was reported that he occasionally participated in protests organized by the terrorist organization and frequently contacted the organization in Istanbul.

08.11.2016 - 01:11 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die Schlacht um Mossul (I)

In die Luftkriegführung der Anti-IS-Koalition ist die Bundeswehr mit Aufklärungs- und Tankflugzeugen involviert. Darüber hinaus sind deutsche Offiziere im Luftwaffenhauptquartier auf dem US-Stützpunkt Al Udeid stationiert, das die Luftangriffe auch auf Mossul steuert. Bei Luftoperationen gegen die Stadt, die punktuell bereits seit November 2014 Ziel westlicher Militärschläge ist, sind in den letzten zwei Jahren laut Recherchen der US-NGO Airwars mehr als 450 Zivilpersonen zu Tode gekommen.

08.11.2016 - 00:30 [ RT ]

Fallujah 12 years on: Americans ‘last people to consider’ generations crippled by depleted uranium

November 7 marks 12 years since the second battle of Fallujah was launched by US, Iraqi, and British troops in 2004. Fallujah residents still suffer from the consequences today, with many accusing Washington of using deadly depleted uranium weapons.

According to some reports, chemical weapons may have been used during the battle, also known as Operation Al Fajr and Operation Phantom Fury, which is considered the bloodiest of the Iraq War.