Daily Archives: 12. August 2016

12.08.2016 - 10:16 [ 21stcenturywire.com ]

Syria: Aleppo Doctor Demolishes Imperialist Propaganda and Media Warmongering

The following is the transcript of an interview given to Be Curious TV by Dr Nabil Antaki, a doctor based in the Syrian government held western sectors of Aleppo. In this interview, given during his recent trip to France, Dr Antaki once more observes that Western media has been misleading and obscurantist in their reporting of events in Syria. Dr Antaki reinforces that President Assad’s popularity has increased rather than waned since the US-NATO-GCC confab’s war against Syria began five years ago and he deconstructs much of the propaganda upon which the US and NATO base their interventionist, neo-colonialist policies. Translation of interview by Vanessa Beeley.

12.08.2016 - 07:09 [ Konjunktion.info ]

Denkfabriken: Die geheimen Strippenzieher und deren schmutziges Geschäft

In einem Wirtschaftssystem in dem durch Insidergeschäfte keinerlei Wert für die Gesellschaft generiert wird, in dem Großkonzerne wie Parasiten die Staaten und Menschen ausbluten lassen, nehmen die Denkfabriken (DF) aka Think Tanks eine ganz besondere Rolle bei der Planung dieser Ausbeutung ein. DF, die sich aus Steuergeldern bedienen und doch nichts anderes als Erfüllungsgehilfen der Großkonzerne und Lobbyisten sind, um die Bevölkerungen nach den Vorstellungen derselben auszupressen.

12.08.2016 - 07:03 [ RT ]

„Tötet den Hurensohn!“: Clinton-Stratege Bob Beckel über Wikileaks-Enthüller Julian Assange

Die Enthüllungsplattform WikiLeaks hat am 10. August Archivaufnahmen veröffentlicht, in denen Bob Beckel, der als CNN-Kommentator und Stratege der Hillary-Clinton-Kampagne tätig ist, in Reaktion auf die Veröffentlichung der US-Geheimdokumente öffentlich die gezielte Tötung von Assange fordert. Dazu hätten die USA schließlich Spezialkommandos.

12.08.2016 - 06:56 [ Demokratische Volkspartei HDP (Türkei) ]

Roadmap For Democratization

Our call for a leaders’ meeting (right after the failed coup attempt) was a call for all the political parties, including HDP, to come together under the chairmanship of the President. The outcome of this meeting should have been a “Roadmap for Democratization” agreed upon by all leaders. The President should have read this roadmap, including the minimum grounds for common action by all political parties, as a declaration at the Yenikapı rally. During the President’s announcement of this text, all political party leaders should have stood by him. This would have sufficed; there would have been no need for any other speeches or messages.

Had we participated in the leaders’ summit, we would have proposed this approach. We would have invited all to take steps in this direction. Our proposed roadmap would have included the following:

12.08.2016 - 06:50 [ Al Masdar News ]

Jihadists foil first Syrian Army offensive in southern Aleppo

Led by the Tiger Forces and Hezbollah, the Syrian Armed Forces and their allies stormed the Al-Ramouseh District from four different axes, catching the jihadist rebels of Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) off-guard on Thursday morning.

Initially, the Syrian Armed Forces were successful, seizing several points in eastern Al-Ramouseh; however, following a counter-attack by the jihadist rebels, the government units withdrew from the captured sites, returning to the 1070 Al-Hamdaniyah Housing Project.

12.08.2016 - 06:37 [ Sputnik ]

Russland erweitert Syrien-Basis: „Gegengewicht zu US-Aggression“

Russlands Initiative, den Flugplatz Hmeimim in Syrien in einen vollwertigen Stützpunkt umzubauen, wird von den Nahoststaaten als sehr wichtiger Schritt angesehen, der zu mehr Sicherheit und Stabilität in der Region beitragen soll, wie Hassan Hanizadeh, Nahost-Experte und ehemaliger Chef-Redakteur der iranischen Nachrichtenagentur MehrNews sagt.