Archiv: Zouheir Bahloul

04.08.2018 - 09:54 [ Haaretz / ]

Israeli-Arab Lawmaker‘s Vision of Coexistence Turns Into Dark Prophecy

“Young people had hopes of being integrated, but they were cold-shouldered by the state. Now, if a continuing effort is made to push us Arabs into a corner, we will be close – heaven forbid – to a confrontation between Arabs and Jews. And now it’s not a small minority: The Arabs constitute 22 percent of the country.”

What will a confrontation like that look like?

“The Arab MKs will resign. The heads of the Arab local councils will go the headquarters of the Union of Local Authorities in Tel Aviv and give back the keys, and a civil revolt will gradually develop. I pray and hope that I am wrong, but there will be chaos and violence here. I heard that my resignation was reported on the BBC. Do you realize what will happen if all the Arab MKs resign?”

29.07.2018 - 13:31 [ ]

Nationalitätengesetz: Knesset-Mandatar tritt zurück

Er könne seinem Enkel nicht ins Gesicht sagen, dass er Teil eines Parlaments geblieben sei, das dieses Gesetz verabschiedet habe, sagte der Politiker der oppositionellen Zionistischen Einheitspartei gestern dem Sender Reshet TV.

Er wolle „diesem destruktiven, rassistischen, extremistischen Parlament“ keine Legitimität verleihen, sagte Bahlul in dem Interview.