Archiv: Siranush Sargsyan

02.10.2023 - 13:55 [ Siranush Sargsyan / Twitter ]

If you want to really learn why 120K people would leave their land, their prosperous lives, their graves, their 1000s of years old cultural heritage, go read my timeline for the last year, and also this personal essay of mine.

02.10.2023 - 13:45 [ Siranush Sargsyan / ]

Living Through War and Waiting for Peace in Nagorno-Karabakh

On Jan. 26, on the eve of my 39th birthday, my friend Armine brought me a few spoonfuls of coffee — she had kept it as a precious gift for me, knowing the outsized role the drink plays in my life. I miss its aroma the most. Another friend, Sarine, had called from Yerevan the day before and asked if I at least had a small cake. I reassured her that having coffee was enough. The next morning, the doorbell woke me up: There stood Sarine’s sister, with a small homemade gata, a traditional Armenian sweet bread, baked by their mother. I allowed myself one candle for my besieged birthday, and placed it on top of the gata. A birthday candle is a luxury, since they are now our only evening light.