Wir erfahren vielleicht nie den Namen des Soldaten, der Razan al-Najjar getötet hat. Aber wir kennen die Namen derer, die ihm den Befehl gaben, sie zu töten.
Archiv: Razan Al-Najjar
Anonymous Snipers and a Lethal Verdict
We may never know the name of the soldier who killed Razan al-Najjar. But we do know the names of those who gave the order enabling him to kill her
Israelische Truppen töten 21-jährige palästinensische Sanitäterin an der Grenze zu Gaza
Razan al-Najjar war seit einiger Zeit ehrenamtliche Sanitäterin, und es gab eine Reihe von Fotos von ihr, wie sie verwundete Einwohner von Gaza behandelte.
Thousands at funeral for Gaza volunteer medic killed on Israel border
IDF says it is investigating shooting of 21-year-old Razan al-Najjar; Arab Israeli MK calls it a ‚war crime‘
An Israeli sniper pumped bullets into the upper body of a 20-year-old Gazan woman, Razan al-Najjar, killing her.
She had been working as a volunteer medic to treat wounded protesters. She wore her white paramedic‘s uniform. This is what Israel is.
Sorrow, Outrage Over IDF Killing of Nurse in Gaza as Deathtoll Surpasses 120
On Friday, she was less than 100 yards from the fence when she was bandaging the man struck by the tear gas canister, Ibrahim al-Najjar said. The man was taken away in an ambulance, and other paramedics tended to Ms. Najjar, who was suffering the effects of the tear gas.
Then shots rang out, and Ms. Najjar fell to the ground.