Archiv: Mira Ricardel

15.11.2018 - 07:08 [ ]

Bolton aide exits White House after high-profile clash with first lady

Ricardel remained at work on Tuesday as Bolton objected to her ouster and was reportedly at the office on Wednesday before her transition was announced.

Bolton brought Ricardel on board in May to serve as his No. 2 on the National Security Council. She earned a reputation as an enforcer and fierce bureaucratic infighter, clashing with White House chief of staff John Kelly and Defense Secretary James Mattis.

15.11.2018 - 07:01 [ New York Times ]

Mira Ricardel, Aide Who Crossed Melania Trump, Is Removed From Her White House Role

Hours later, the White House said that Ms. Ricardel was indeed leaving her post but that she would still work in the administration — just not under the first lady’s roof.

“Mira Ricardel will continue to support the president as she departs the White House to transition to a new role within the administration,” Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, said in a statement.

14.11.2018 - 05:49 [ Fox News ]

Melania Trump‘s office calls for firing of top Bolton deputy

The paper added that the first lady‘s office suspects Ricardel of leaking negative stories about the first lady and her staff.

The Journal also reported that Ricardel has sparred with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis over policy differences and staffing decisions. The Washington Post, citing three current and two former White House officials, reported that Ricardel had berated people in meetings and spread rumors about Mattis. The paper also reported that White House Chief of Staff John Kelly has sought Ricardel‘s ouster for months.