Archiv: Hajin camp

13.10.2018 - 19:50 [ ]

ISIS Kills And Captures Scores Of SDF Fighters During Large Hit And Run Attack In Southeastern Deir Ezzor

In details, ISIS fighters took advantage of the bad weather conditions and attacked several positions of US-backed forces around the towns of al-Kashmah and al-Bahrah. After overrunning theses positions, the terrorists stormed the Hajin refugee camp and several military positions around it.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that ISIS abducted over 130 families from the Hajin camp during the attack. The SDF, which is responsible for the camp, is yet to confirm or deny this.

13.10.2018 - 19:48 [ ]

IS-Kämpfer entführen mehr als hundert Familien in Syrien

Aus Kreisen des oppositionellen „Rats von Dair-as-Saur“ hieß es, dass hunderte Menschen entführt worden seien, darunter auch 23 Kämpfer der von den Kurden geführten Syrischen Demokratischen Kräfte (SDF).