Archiv: Nia Wilson

28.07.2018 - 15:40 [ Shaun King / Facebook ]

As you may know, on late Sunday evening, while riding the train in Oakland, a white man targeted two young Black women on the train, without ever saying a word to them, and killed one – a beautiful young soul named Nia Wilson

(27.7.2018) Even in death, local news media finds a way to demean us. It’s why I believe so much in having our own outlets, our own platforms, our own morning shows, where we define our own stories and narratives without that type of ugliness.

Secondly, last night in Oakland thousands of people, including members of Nia’s own family, showed up to her outdoor vigil. Now I don’t need to explain this to our listeners, but this was a moment of pain, and grief, and support. And white supremacists from the group Proud Boys, wearing red Make American Great Again hats, literally showed up to interrupt the vigil.

Let me pause right here for a moment.

28.07.2018 - 15:37 [ East Bay Times ]

Critics say the media makes innocent blacks look dangerous. Nia Wilson is their latest example.

Shortly after the stabbing, Wilson’s picture was all over news sites, TV stations and social media. Many of these photos were obtained from her personal Facebook page where she shared numerous pictures ranging from selfies to group shots with friends.
But one photo, aired by local TV station KTVU, has sparked backlash and reignited concerns about the biased portrayal of minorities, particularly African Americans, by news outlets.