Es ist Weihnachten 2013. Seit über zwölf Jahren herrscht ein weltweiter Krieg. In den kriegführenden Staaten wird die Bevölkerungen durch einen international eng verstrickten Spionage-Apparat bespitzelt. Auch das herrschende Wirtschafts- und Finanzsystem, der Kapitalismus, hat sich internationalisiert, das ehemals aufgesetzte menschliche Antlitz abgeworfen und nimmt zuehmend totalitäre Züge an.
Bald sind es sieben Jahre her, seit dagegen die unabhängige Medienstation Radio Utopie ihre Arbeit aufnahm. Zeit für eine kleine Bilanz.
“Dianne Feinstein elected me when she asked softball questions” in committee hearings, he said. “Mike Rogers elected me when he kept these programs hidden. . . . The FISA court elected me when they decided to legislate from the bench on things that were far beyond the mandate of what that court was ever intended to do. The system failed comprehensively, and each level of oversight, each level of responsibility that should have addressed this, abdicated their responsibility.”
The tweet points you to, which appears to be a checking engine for UK ISP O2, which is among the ISPs to implement the blocking regime.
Laut der Check-Website von O2 ist übrigens auch nichts für Kinder.
Apparently, CBS News‘ 60 Minutes show is looking to end the year by being the choice of intelligence community propagandists everywhere, rather than listening to their well-respected colleague Morley Safer (still reporting at age 82) who once wrote a column quoting a US official telling him „look, if you think any American official is going to tell you the truth, then you‘re stupid.“ Safer‘s colleagues at 60 Minutes would do well to keep that in mind, but when it comes to national security issues, they seem to prefer, as „reporter“ John Miller has admitted, to be there solely to help the NSA get their side of the story out, no matter how bogus it might be.
William New, the guy who runs the excellent IP Watch website has been trying to find out more about the TPP agreement for quite some time. Working with some students from Yale‘s Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic, New filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for TPP-related documents. The USTR waited nearly a year to respond (well beyond the 20 working days required by the law), and then told New that they weren‘t providing the documents, saying that the draft text of the TPP is classified as „national security information.“
Yeah. A draft of a trade agreement that will impact us all, but is being negotiated in secret by the USTR and a small group of corporate lobbyists, is „national security“ information.
Eighteen Mexicans convicted on drug-trafficking charges after posing as television journalists while entering Nicaragua with $9.2 million were repatriated on Monday from the Central American nation.
Nicaraguan police transported the defendants, including a Mexican policeman, under tight security to Managua‘s International Airport, where authorities turned them over to Mexican prosecutors and prison officials.