Archiv: Waymo

08.05.2018 - 13:07 [ Guardian ]

Uber’s self-driving car saw the pedestrian but didn’t swerve – report

An Uber self-driving test car which killed a woman crossing the street detected her but decided not to react immediately, a report has said.(…)
Uber’s self-driving technology was also called 5,000 times worse than Waymo’s in an independent analysis in 2017, while it has had legal tussles with various US states where it has tried to test vehicles.

06.05.2018 - 14:41 [ Wired ]

Waymo‘s Self-Driving Car Crash in Arizona Revives Tough Questions

(5.April) Chandler police report only minor injuries. According to a police statement released Saturday, a Honda sedan traveling eastbound entered an intersection on a red light and swerved to avoid another vehicle traveling north, veering into the Waymo Chrysler Pacifica’s westbound lane. The Honda hit the Waymo vehicle on its side, injuring the the SUV‘s female safety driver. Police say the Waymo minivan was not traveling above the 45 mph speed limit. The police later cited the driver of the Honda for a red light violation.