And the dumbass award of the decade goes to…: the United Nations and the „Palestinian Authority“

One of the most important UN resolutions – we mentioned it yesterday – is to be voted on today or tomorrow (unclear). But it is still hidden by those who bring it into the UN General Assembly and by the United Nations Organization itself. That is bonkers. Mildly spoken. Currently, on the UN website: „The General Assembly has resumed its 10th emergency special session on the issue of Israeli actions in occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Palestine has introduced a draft resolution that demands an end to the occupation within one year. Member States are debating now and will vote on it later in the session. UN News app users can follow live here.“ Followed by – news from May. And again – more nothing on Bonkers. Completely bonkers. So – no news today. update 23.30 MEZ: We found it. In the UN Library with six years outdated encryption.

This news agency is on strike – until one of the most important UN resolutions of the last 57 years is public available!

Anadolu has seen it. Reuters has seen it. A resolution, the so-called „Palestine Authority“ would „likely“ bring into the United Nations General Assembly. Alleged content: the Israeli occupation force has to leave Palestine within a year (and therefor 58 years too late). Now – where is the resolution? Nothing on the website of the „Palestinian Authority“. Nothing at the UN. Simply nowhere to be found. And the only public available source that is reporting the timeline of voting in the United Nations Assembly is Israeli media, namely Israel Hayom. So, either the „Palestinian Authority“ is keeping its norm as a bunch of either complete subjects and failures – there is no reason to keep your own resolution hidden before the public, if there is nothing to hide – or there is no such resolution; there will be no corresponding vote in the UN General Assembly. That would be another sadist fascist trickery against the Palestinian People, justice, world order and humanity as a whole. So, we wait. You keep on chatting about the FBI‘s new assassin clothes, floods, VIPs and stuff. See you in public opinion.

„March on Jerusalem“-organizers: NATO-coup in Ukraine and military coup in Egypt as a blueprint

Obviously, spies are trying to infiltrate Israel´s Democracy Movement that resists the judicial coup of Benyamin Netanyahu´s extreme right-wing government. That spies agenda seems to follow some „broad consensus“ of Mossad and CIA, demanded by US state leadership, to keep situation under control and safequard geostrategic goals. An analysis and prognosis.

We now expect the CIA, Pentagon, NSA, etc, to have all their communications screened. We are looking for:

– child porn – animal porn – spy shit – illegally and arbitrarily stolen communications, secrets, private information and other intellectual, creative, spiritual and personal property (formely called thoughts, identity, mind and soul, and stuff) – deceitful law drafts, that potentially could be talked into parliamentarian dummies, in order to sell those laws on the other hand to a bunch of idiots as some kind of aid, protection or rescue for anybody, so that everybody´s applauding when they are subjected to an electronic colony, police state and feudalism. And remember: if they are progessives, they let you do it!

Regarding the US presidential election in 2020: We are done with democracy simulations

After the Iowa fraud and Bernie Sanders‘ Al Gore style capitulation (no recount / „recalculation“ of an in broad daylight rigged caucus) and the deafening silence of each and every progressive lawmaker, even from the Squad, we do not support any candidate in this election and furthermore question its authenticity and legitimacy. From this day on, we will rarely post any news to this election-without-a-choice.