„March on Jerusalem“-organizers: NATO-coup in Ukraine and military coup in Egypt as a blueprint

Obviously, spies are trying to infiltrate Israel´s Democracy Movement that resists the judicial coup of Benyamin Netanyahu´s extreme right-wing government.
That spies agenda seems to follow some „broad consensus“ of Mossad and CIA, demanded by US state leadership, to keep situation under control and safequard geostrategic goals.

An analysis and prognosis.

Haaretz, 22.07.2023, statement of „protest leaders“ of „March on Jerusalem“, planning „a protest tent“ in Sacher Park, Jerusalem:

„Similar attempts have succeeded in various places around the world: In Tahrir Square, Egypt, masses expelled extreme religious fundamentalists. In Ukraine‘s Orange Revolution in 2005, the corrupt dictatorship that attempted to suppress its citizens was ousted.“

Just in case you forgot: the mentioned „expelling of extreme religious fundamentalists“ was the military coup in 2013, that installed the dictator Abdel el-Sisi and wired back all democratic progress the people of Egypt and the grassroots movement in 2011 on Tahrir Square had struggled for. „Expelled“, say, slaughtered were the CDU (CDU = Christlich Demokratische Union, long-termn ruling party in Germany) respectively the Likud of Egypt, the so-called „Muslim Brotherhood“, whose crime was fundamentally winning every election. The extremist salafist Party „Al Nour“ collaborated with the military and was one winner of the putsch.

The „Orange Revolution“ in Ukraine was basically an election revote ordered by Ukraine‘s Supreme Court in 2004 that ousted president Viktor Yushchenko, who won the next election and came back to office anyway. It was the NATO-led coup in 2014 on Maidan Square that not only ousted the elected president, made ruthless use of fascist foot soldiers and destabilized the whole country, but also gave Russian president Vladimir Putin – who had been remarkably passive before – the golden opportunity to suck up Crimea, invade East-Ukraine regions, supress federalist tendencies, bolster separatism and lay groundwork for a never-ending crisis, finally resulting in the 2022 invasion, which – sucessfully executed – would have made Ukraine the next Palestine.

For the next, say, 56 years.

Now, presumably next tactical steps of the new „protest leaders“ (who are they anyway?) of Jerusalem March and upcoming Sacher Camp:

– neutralizing organic democratic processes, discussions and mindsets

– sidelining grassroots organizers and individuals, specificially all socialist and left-leaning, as well as friends of international law (who want to end occupations everywhere, so over Palestine)

– establishing a centralized leadership by and for their own purposes

– promoting set-up VIPS as new faces of „the movement“

– keeping Netanyahu´s long-term major ally and state power base, the Histadrut union, of public discurse and circumvent a general strike

– preventing any political developement that could result in an Israeli Constitution, let alone an Israeli Republic (jewish and democratic, for example), that does not punish Human Beings for being born wrong place, wrong time and by the wrong parents

– safeguarding some kind of „little coup“, a „four is five“-consensus, by keeping some power of the Supreme Court intact, but below governmental power and state hierarchy

– to ultimately offer Netanyahu some kind of immunity, again, defeat his corruption trial, let the dust settle over the involved international network of billionaires, like Mossad-asset, Hollywood tycoon and nuclear spy Arnon Milchan (1,2), and over the ThyssenKrupp-Submarine-affair, give Israel a staged hurray-moment when Netanyahu resigns and Benjamin Gantz to power.

Presumably geostratetic goals:

– safeguarding the alliance of (old, new, any) Israel´s state leadership with Saudi Arabia´s royal family (who also rules OPEC and the Gulf Cooperation Council war coalition), hint: „Abraham Accords“

– silently further continuing passing nuclear technology to the Saudi rulers, with the risk or even option of nuclear armament, as a reward

– safeguarding the decade-long sabotage of the international „Gold Standard for Non-Proliferation Agreements“, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), that – once implemented – would nix all nuclear armament plans of any other country than the existing nuclear powers, dust their Iran war efforts of the past decades and deliver a huge setback for the international war lobby in a whole.

So much for now.

Further comment: democracy is not the absolute rule of any majority. That would be Ruanda 1994 all over again.

To all true grassroots organizers, thinkers and democratic left in Israel: Bonne Chance!